


Huawei "High Key Travel" Bluetooth Keyboard CD34 (Gray Market Version)


APPLE Magic Keyboard Replacement

  • Layout and Size: It has been using the popular 84-key layout for the past two years, which is basically the same as the Magic Keyboard but with an additional column of cursor keys on the right side, which is quite practical without adding much length; it weighs about 100 grams more than the Magic Keyboard and is two to three millimeters thicker, which is acceptable; the short edge is almost the same length, which is very beneficial for saving desktop space; it has a physical switch to switch between Windows and macOS key layouts.
  • Material and Design: The top cover is also made of metal, which is rare in low-priced OEM keyboards and immediately gives a premium feel; the design is very restrained, except for an additional Huawei device pairing icon on the right Shift key, there is no unnecessary branding exposed.
  • It claims to have a "high key travel" of 2.5mm. I don't value this parameter or expect a higher key travel to match the feel of a mechanical keyboard, but it is still beneficial.
  • The battery is a generous 2200mAh, claiming to last for a year.
    Looking at the pricing, the new products on e-commerce platforms are generally around 250 yuan, which is already acceptable. But let's go to the seafood market to explore... Sure enough, there are many "unopened" international versions, with a standard American layout priced at 160-180. FWIW, many details pages of miscellaneous keyboards with a bunch of typos are sold for this price; I won't look any further, it's you. (Some channels sell European keyboard layouts, which are cheaper, but there is no need to go through this trouble, so be careful not to buy the wrong one if you are interested.)

The next day, it arrived and indeed it was in an unopened condition. As for the "high key travel" written in the product name, it definitely can't compare to a mechanical keyboard, but it does look "deeper" than the Magic Keyboard at first glance, and typing on it feels more powerful (although slightly softer). If there is any drawback, the top row of media keys is not consistent with the common distribution on Mac, and the functionality is not fully compatible, for example, you can adjust the volume but not the brightness; but with third-party software like BetterTouchTool for customization, this is not a big deal. In addition, the setting of the key switch occasionally malfunctions and reverts to the Windows layout, requiring a switch back to restore it.


And... I don't think there's anything else needed to be said, right? After all, a Bluetooth membrane keyboard is a category that is standard enough and boring enough, and not having any negative reviews is a kind of positive review; combined with the price, I am even willing to give it a recommendation.

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